Feeling defeated by your affiliate program's poor numbers?

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Find Out How Expert Managers Safeguard Their Affiliate Programs

Frustrated by mysterious drops in your affiliate revenue? Concerned that you're losing money but don't know how? Dustin Howes comes to your rescue with over 13 years of battle-tested strategies. This guide targets the exact red flags that signal affiliate fraud—the silent killer of profits and program reputation. Don't let fraudsters drain your earnings and tarnish your brand. Equip yourself with the essential knowledge to spot and stop affiliate fraud before it wreaks havoc on your bottom line.


"Dustin is the CEO of Affiliate Fraud Prevention. His ability to unveil and stop fraudulent activities surprises me every single time. He's literally saving thousands month over month. Besides, Dustin's copywriting makes him outreach & recruitment rockstar. If you ever get a chance to meet this man, make sure to ask him how he does it!"

-Ricardas Sereikis, Direct ADV | Ecommerce & Affiliates


"Dustin is the CEO of Affiliate Fraud Prevention. His ability to unveil and stop fraudulent activities surprises me every single time. He's literally saving thousands month over month. Besides, Dustin's copywriting makes him outreach & recruitment rockstar. If you ever get a chance to meet this man, make sure to ask him how he does it!"

-Ricardas Sereikis, Direct ADV | Ecommerce & Affiliates

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